
Republican presidential candidates condemned the way Obama handled economy

Publicado: 2011-06-20

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David Axelrod, chief political strategist for Barack Obama, dismissed Republicans who want to replace the president and said they were content to criticize the president of the United States without offering concrete proposals to help the country.

Axelrod acknowledged that it is too early to analyze the competition, but offered his views on the rival candidate when asked about the first GOP debate held in New Hampshire. Republicans who attended the forum condemned the way that Barack Obama has handled the economy and pledged to reverse his reform of the health system. “There seemed to be unanimous dislike of the president,” said Axelrod, who left the White House this year to return to Chicago to work in the election of Obama. “I did not hear many ideas”, but instead “many commonplaces of politics,” he said in an interview with the “State of the Union” on CNN.

Advisor Axelrod seemed to focus on the former Massachusetts governor, Willard Mitt Romney, one of the favorites Republican candidates to unseat Obama in the upcoming elections, and noted the support that the president has received from former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, a Republican who was Obama's ambassador in China. Romney, who sought the party's presidential nomination in 2008, faces criticism from rivals about his change of position on several issues, including abortion and gay rights, fluctuations that have led some conservatives to doubt his sincerity.

Mitt Romney also promoted a health care reform in Massachusetts similar to that pushed by Barack Obama nationally and conservatives did not support it. “It is not unusual in politics that ambitious people change their views about fundamental things to win elections,” said Axelrod in the televised interview. “But that's not what the U.S. president’s people want,” he said. In contrast, Axelrod revealed that Barack Obama “is one of the most consistent people I've ever met.”

Willard Mitt Romney, 64, a native of Detroit, Michigan, is a businessman and politician, former CEO of Bain & Company, a management consulting firm and co-founder of Bain Capital, a private equity investment company. A new public opinion poll conducted by NBC and the Wall Street Journal revealed that Republican voters are perfectly divided on whether they are satisfied with their presidential candidates (45% each position). And a study by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation grants only 24% of preferences to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, by far the favorite for the Republican nomination.

Meanwhile, Jon Huntsman in a moderate stance on some issues and his work for Obama could hurt the Republican Party's conservative base. David Axelrod said that when he was in China in late 2009, he had the opportunity to speak with Huntsman. “He was very effusive about what the president was doing. He was encouraging the health issue. I had some doubts about what was happening in his party. One had the impression that he would wait until 2016 for the storm to pass,” he said.

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