
Perez de Cuellar to be luxury counsel member of president-elect Humala

Publicado: 2011-06-21

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Ollanta Humala held a meeting at the home of former Secretary General of the United Nations, Javier Perez de Cuellar. At the end of the meeting, the president highlighted that the distinguished diplomat will be one of his most valuable advisers.

”I have committed to Ambassador Perez de Cuellar to continue visiting him and use his advice because he is a man who knows the world and has the experience of having solved global crises and, therefore, is an honor and a luxury to have his advice”, said the president-elect as he left the home of Perez de Cuellar, who he visited with his wife Nadine Heredia.

During the meeting, which lasted over an hour, both recalled their experiences when they worked together in Paris. “Perez de Cuellar is an important person not only nationally but globally; he was my mission boss in France. For me it was an honor to have served under his leadership,” noted Ollanta Humala to reporters.

In turn, Perez de Cuellar also recalled with great emotion the time shared with Humala Tasso in Europe. “The president-elect and I have had a meeting of friends; I have fond memories of time together overseas,” he said. In addition to meeting with former United Nations secretary general, Ollanta Humala received the congratulations of the leadership of the Popular Christian Party (PPC), headed by its President Lourdes Flores Nano, for his victory in the general elections that have awarded him the nation’s top office.

Meeting at the headquarters of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), where he has established his office, President Ollanta Humala spoke of his willingness to dialogue with all representatives of the country's democratic institutions, “despite the differences”, because “we shouldn’t see ourselves as enemies, because we all want the best for the country”, he said.

"I am ready to dialogue with respect to institutions like the Courts, mayors and Congress, and I think there needs to be a positive agenda for Congress,” said the next president. He also reiterated that his priority is to develop programs like Cuna Mas (More Cribs), Pension 65 and improving education. Flores Nano said that her party and Gana Perú are “allies in the defense of democracy” and presented PPC proposals to develop state policies against crime and the elimination of poverty.

“Rest assured that we will be loyal to democracy and have no double play; it seems good to work a common congress agenda, something that has not been done the last five years. The aim is to develop the country,” said Flores Nano. In turn, members of the Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court, chaired by Cesar San Martin, also congratulated the president-elect at the UNDP headquarters.

On behalf of the president-elect, members of the Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court will coordinate the issues of improving the administration of justice, legal certainty and others with the Congressman Daniel Abugattas Majluf (for legislative initiatives), the first Vice President Marisol Espinoza Cruz and Dr. Avelino Guillen (for issues related to the Presidency).

Speaking with judges, the president-elect expressed his concern that justice comes to all Peruvians, and reiterated his proposal to carry out a prison reform with the help of the courts. Also he showed particular interest in how justice is conducted in indigenous communities of the highlands and the jungle region.

Then, Ollanta Humala met with members of the Constitutional Court and the National Judicial Council (NJC). The first, led by Justice Carlos Mesia, congratulated the new president for his electoral victory. Similarly, the President of CNM, Gonzalo Garcia Núñez, sent him congratulations on behalf of the collegiate body. President Ollanta Humala pledged to work together with them to strengthen institutions and respect for this organization.

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