
Peru has become a pilot-nation for its sustained growth

Publicado: 2011-06-21

MORE NEWS: www.bizusaperu.com

Peru has again become a pilot-nation in the region thanks to sustained growth, employment generation, and development of Callao, said President Alan Garcia Perez.

The Peruvian president indicated that in the last five years the country beat their “dear neighbor” Chile in employment, growth, and exports. “Peru has converted back to the great driver and pilot nation of South America, and much of it thanks to Callao,” indicated the president during his speech at the ceremony that awarded him the Gran Cruz Medal of Honor in recognition of his valuable services rendered to the nation.

The Head of State said Callao holds tremendous promise with its history, its economic development, and the possibility of urban sprawl. He said that no government could govern without regard to this constitutional province, as it is the gate in and out of our country. “We view with awe as it grows and how it will grow even more, not only capable of being the best port in the Pacific, but also can generate employment and modernity that Callao deserves”, said the president, noting also the work of local authorities.

He highlighted that the port’s transformation is also possible for the major communication routes and said it is with great pride to see the Gambeta freeway working, with the expansion of its lane and possibly a tunnel that passes under the international airport. During his speech, the president also mentioned the progress of the works at Costa Verde, which reaches almost to La Perla and will increase real estate value in Callao.

“Much has been done with the mayors and the regional government in favor of drinking water, culture, and the remodeling of streets. The new schools and Yahuar Huaca stadium will be part of this beautiful path to this beautiful port to become a center of the country,” he said. He also indicated that his government would leave “funded and initiated” the immense project of water supply and sewerage for the whole town of Pachacútec, which will be an extraordinary step for the needy.

At another point, the president indicated that in his meeting with President-elect Ollanta Humala Tasso, they spoke on major projects to be undertaken like the construction of a large tunnel that crosses through the mountains and shortens the distance to three hours from Lima to Huancayo. He said another of the projects discussed was related to Isla San Lorenzo, which the next administration has the responsibility to see how they use this area to beautify Lima and generate more jobs.

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